The background is a backdrop, adding interest to an image, artwork or text. It can be a solid colour, photograph or pattern. You can add solid colour backgrounds, draw patterns or add a photo background in the custom designer.
Transparency is how see-through an object is. If you require a transparent background in your artwork then you’ll need to remove it using the background remover tool.
Thresholding means to turn a piece of artwork into a black and white image. All artwork for laser products will automatically be threshold when uploaded.
Edge to edge means a product can be printed from one side to the other without any margin or blank area. You'll need to ensure you have a bleed area for this type of print.
DPI is used to measure the resolution of an image, it measures how many dots fit into a linear inch. Therefore, the higher the DPI, the more detailed the image. As you can see from the example below, the 300dpi image is much clearer than the 30dpi image.
Short for Joint Photographic Experts Group, JPEG / JPG are popular file formats for images. You can use these files in our online custom designer.
Short for Portable Network Graphic, these image files are great for uploading graphics and photos to the custom designer. They also support transparent or semi-transparent backgrounds.
Every product will have a blue dashed line called a 'trim line', this is the border where your artwork will be cropped to fit onto the product, so make sure any important elements don't go over this line.
Products that can be printed from edge to edge will have a red 'safe line'. All content within the safe line is guaranteed to be printed on your product. Content outside this line may be cut off, so keep text and important parts of your photographs, logos and artwork within the safe line.
Bleed is the ink that prints beyond the trim line of the product to ensure it extends to the edge of the print area after trimming. If you want your artwork, photograph or background colour to be printed up to the edges, you should extend it up to the solid blue bleed line to ensure the final print has no gaps.